The Undercurrents & Subtext of JP Morgan Healthcare 2020 | Luminary Labs, Sara Holoubek


Sara Holoubek, Founder & CEO of Luminary Labs, a strategy and innovation consultancy — and the recognized “Queen” of identifying the undercurrents and sub-text of conversations at healthcare conferences — dishes about those undercurrents running just-below-the-surface at JP Morgan Healthcare 2020. Where’s the digital health market headed? Says Sara, “When you see too much bottle service at the parties…that’s when you should watch your back!”

Filmed at J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco, January 2020.

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Author: Floydneill

I am an Internet entrepreneur, martial artist and motivational coach, with a goal to help as many people as possible gain financial and time freedom. Time is our most precious asset, as it is one asset we can never get back. Many of us spend our entire lives doing things we hate doing, but must do, in order to survive. Working jobs we don't like, for a boss we can't stand. Getting paid just enough not to quit, and working just hard enough not to get fired. Created debt we can't get out of, because we aren't making enough to cover it, let alone making enough to live on. My goal is to help you change all that. One of my greatest passions is to teach people how to earn a living via the Internet. There is an exact science to this, and once you learn what that is, you become unstoppable.

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